This Friday, 27 November 2009, 10am - 4pm
McGill University, Old McGill Room, Faculty Club
- Joseph Carens (Toronto) "Motivation and Equality in Cohen"
- Jurgen De Wispelaere (CRÉUM) "Cohen in the Real World? Equality, Justice and Social Institutions"
- Pablo Gilabert (Concordia) "Cohen on Socialism, Equality, and Community"
- Jacob T. Levy (McGill) "Cohen on the Tasks of Political Philosophy"
- William Clare Roberts (McGill) "Analysis Terminated? Towards a Post-Analytical Marxism"
- Daniel Weinstock (CRÉUM) "Cohen and Cohen on Jokes"
By the way, I feel a little odd being the only person who didn't include Cohen's name in the title of his talk, but if it makes a difference, my talk also has an alternate title: "What Bullshit Marxists Can Learn from Cohen." (You can tell, perhaps, why that is not on the program.)
* UPDATE: The "definitive" schedule:
William Clare Roberts: Analysis Terminated? Toward a Post-Analytical Marxism
Joseph Carens: Motivation and Equality in Cohen
Jacob T. Levy: Cohen on the Tasks of Political Philosophy
Jurgen De Wispelaere: Cohen in the Real World? Equality, Justice and Social Institutions
Lunch break
Pablo Gilabert: Cohen on Socialism, Equality, and Community
Daniel Weinstock: Cohen and Cohen on Jokes